Cognizant (CTS) Notice period in 2023 is “90 Days”. It applies to employees who joined after 4 January 2021; for employees who joined before 4 January 2021, the notice period is “60 days”.
You can find the notice period details in your offer letter. The present notice period of 90 days applies in both cases when an employer wants to terminate the employee (or) when the employee wants to resign.
In both situations, the party who has the intention to terminate the employment should give advance notice of 90 days.
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1. Can Cognizant extend the notice period?
When Cognizant wants to terminate an employee then they will not extend the notice period. But when an employee wants to resign and his/her services are needed for the organization then Cognizant may extend the notice period.
2. Will I get a salary during the notice period in Cognizant?
Yes, you will get your full salary even during the notice period in Cognizant.
3. Can Cognizant reject resignation?
If you are ready the serve the notice period of 90 days then the chances of rejecting your resignation are very less. Otherwise, they will reject the resignation.
4. Can I rejoin Cognizant after my resignation?
If you officially resigned from your job you can rejoin the job. But you have to again follow the recruitment procedure.
5. Can I leave Cognizant after 2 months (60 days)?
It depends on your relationship with your project manager and your importance in the project work (or) you have to pay the notice period amount to the company but again it is up to Cognizant to accept or not.
6. Can Cognizant terminate employees?
Yes, they can terminate employees who don’t adhere to the CTS rules & policies, and in cases like misconduct & insubordination, etc.
7. What is the full form of CTS?
The full form of CTS is “Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation”.