Krups Nespresso Pixie XN3005 manual

Krups Nespresso Pixie XN3005

View the manual for the Krups Nespresso Pixie XN3005 here, for free. This manual comes under the category coffee makers and has been rated by 9 people with an average of a 7.4. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the Krups Nespresso Pixie XN3005 or do you need help? Ask your question here

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Number of questions: 13 SilviaNovember 13, 2022

When making a coffee, a lot of water falls into the drawer of the disposable capsules. What is the reason?

View photoThis message has been automatically translated Same question (1) Type your response here Add my comment Liane MoserOctober 28, 2015

Hello, when I make coffee, I have a whole lake of water under the machine. What could be the reason for this? Greetings, Liane

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Same question Type your response here Add my comment Jaime CarlosSeptember 14, 2015

How is it dismantled to repair the power switch?

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Same question Type your response here Add my comment Helen FraserJanuary 24, 2016

My machine has stopped drawing water from the reserve to make coffee. How to I solve this problem? This machine has had very limited use.

Same question Type your response here Add my comment MariosAugust 31, 2020

Hi! I i own this coffee machine for a few years. Lately the coffee capsules are not penetrated on the top side (aluminum side). What may be the problem?

Same question Type your response here Add my comment susan seigle-morrisJune 14, 2017

how to reset to factory settings. Presently need to keep fingure on button for duration

Same question Type your response here Add my comment Rebecca JacobJanuary 7, 2021

Hi my coffee is not hot enough. Can I turn the temperature up on my machine?

Same question Type your response here Add my comment danny kennedyFebruary 1, 2020

using the machine for the first time ,both lights are flashing continually, the water is not heating up to the right temperature. manual that came with the machine has every language bar English, which makes it difficult to follow

Same question Type your response here Add my comment Maura BreslinJanuary 13, 2021

How do I descale my machine ? Krups XN3005

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Krups Nespresso Pixie XN3005 specifications

Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the Krups Nespresso Pixie XN3005.

The Krups Nespresso Pixie XN3005 is a countertop capsule coffee machine. With its sleek and compact design, it is suitable for placement on any kitchen countertop. This coffee maker does not have a built-in display. The Pixie XN3005 uses coffee capsules as input to brew delicious coffee. The water tank has a capacity of 0.7 liters, allowing for multiple cups of coffee to be brewed at once. The coffee is brewed directly into the cup, eliminating the need for a separate reservoir. This coffee maker is compatible with Nespresso brand coffee capsules, ensuring that you can enjoy a wide variety of coffee flavors and blends. The maximum operating pressure of the Pixie XN3005 is 19 bar, ensuring optimal extraction and flavor enhancement. The machine does not have a built-in grinder, so pre-ground coffee is required for brewing. It has a capacity to hold up to 11 used capsules, making it convenient for disposal and cleanup. The Pixie XN3005 features a removable water tank, allowing for easy filling and cleaning. Its premium construction materials guarantee reliability and durability over time. In summary, the Krups Nespresso Pixie XN3005 is a compact and efficient capsule coffee machine that brews coffee using Nespresso capsules. With a 0.7-liter water tank, 19 bar maximum operating pressure, and the ability to hold 11 used capsules, it provides convenience and ease of use. Its sleek design and compatibility with Nespresso capsules make it a stylish and versatile addition to any kitchen countertop.