The Secretary of the Army has signed an Army Directive regarding NCO Promotion Boards that will be posted to the Army Publications Directorate website shortly. The directive is a talent management effort that serves as a catalyst to evolve from time-based to merit-based systems (decisions on promotion, assignments, retention) designed to improve readiness, leader and professional development, and professionalism of our NCO Corps. Merit-based management processes recognize top-rated Soldiers increased potential to contribute to the Army team.
Applicable to enlisted Soldiers in the Regular Army and the U.S. Army Reserve (Active Guard Reserve), the Army will transition HQDA Centralized Promotion Boards to HQDA NCO Evaluation Boards and use a board's evaluation of NCOs to inform decisions to improve readiness, morale, retention, and professionalism of the NCO Corps.
It is HQDA's intent to expand use of Order of Merit Lists (OMLs) from simply identifying promotion selectees to informing training, promotion, assignment, and retention decisions that will maximize the potential of our Army's greatest asset - our people.
. Improve NCO professional development by selecting fully-qualified (FQ) NCOs from the top of the OML for training early to qualify them for promotion (instead of after promotion selection).
. Improve readiness by providing flexibility to react to emerging requirements and reducing grade/skill imbalances.
o The past practice of creating an annual promotion selection list (NCOs selected for promotion with a sequence number) will stop and change to a promotion process where only best-qualified NCOs (identified from a board's OML) are selected for promotion on a month to month basis against known requirements.
o Eligibility requires NCOs be FQ and not all FQ NCOs will be promoted; only those when a valid requirement exists.
o Boards will consider eligible NCOs annually; with new OMLs replacing old ones.
. Improve leader development with improved merit-based assignment decisions.
. Improve professionalism of the NCO Corps by maximizing the greatest potential of our NCOs and enabling continuation of service decisions informed by structure requirements and individual performance (intent being to eliminate retention control points (RCPs)). This transitions from time-based retention to performance-based retention.
o Inform NCOs who are found not fully qualified (ineligible for promotion from a board perspective) that their continued service is at risk; intent being to increase their performance and potential for continued service and contributions to the Army.
o Deny continued service to NCOs who are found not fully qualified a second time (2XNFQ) while in the same grade/MOS and retain FQ NCOs based on merit/performance to address readiness shortfalls.
To facilitate this cultural change, our intent is to apply an iterative approach, with a goal of having all new policies and practices complete by the end of FY21.
Fiscal Year 2019
. Starting with the MSG Promotion Board
o Establish promotion sequence numbers based on merit (OML) instead of seniority (TIG, BASD, etc.)
. Starting with the CSM/SGM NCO Evaluation Board (CSM/SGM Files)
o Use a board OML to qualify NCOs for Nominative CSM/SGM eligibility, BN/BDE CSM eligibility
o Establish promotion sequence numbers to SGM for Sergeants Major Course (Class 70) students upon graduation
o Begin informing all NCOs their OML-standing within the Army Career Tracker (individual ranking amongst their peers)
Fiscal Year 2020
. Starting with the MSG NCO Evaluation Board (1SG/MSG Files)
o Use a board OML to assist in the assignment decision process (feeding the Manner of Performance Tool in HRC)
o Use a board OML to identify best candidates for training based on merit to qualify them for future promotion selection
. Starting with the CSM/SGM NCO Evaluation Board (CSM/SGM Files)
o Use a board OML to identify NCOs not fully qualified in grade/MOS that their continued service is at risk
o Establish a mechanism to provide voter feedback to NCOs in addition to their OML ranking
o Revise QMP/QSP policies and incorporate those outcomes into the annual NCO Evaluation Board process
Fiscal year 2021
. Starting with the SFC NCO Evaluation Board (SFC Files)
o Revise Army policies to eliminate the use of (P) status on NCOs SSG and above
o Begin a process of posting 90-day promotion forecasts for NCO promotions (SGT-SGM)
o Begin revision from an annual promotion selection list to a monthly promotion selection process (identical to how the Army promotes to SGT and SSG today)
o Begin implementation of a HQDA Bar to Continued Service against NCOs who fail to qualify themselves for promotion by not completing Distributed Leaders Couse (DLC) requirements
o Begin denial of continued service against NCOs who decline promotion after having been identified as best qualified to serve the Army in increased positions of responsibility
o Revise posthumous promotion policy from (P) status to those who are otherwise fully qualified in good standing
. Starting with the CSM/SGM NCO Evaluation Board (CSM/SGM Files)
o Begin a process to deny service to NCOs found not fully qualified a second time in the same grade (2XFNQ)
o Eliminate retention control points; subsumed by merit-based evaluations of performance and potential
o Begin top-of system data sharing with subordinate units to secure verification/validation of data seen by the board and the "My Board File" status for assigned Soldiers
o Expand information seen by boards to better inform them of NCO's qualifications and compliance with Army standards
HQDA will announce applicable changes prior to each board and provide implementing guidance to support them. This talent management effort facilitates accomplishment of the Army's strategic objectives to improve readiness and sustain a workforce of trusted professionals by employing each member to the maximum effect while mitigating MOS and grade imbalances.